March 2021 Newsletter
(Virtual) Class is Now In Session!
After months of adaptations and preparations, our first ever online medical interpreter training – the Class of 2021 – has officially begun!

Divided up into three cohorts of 12-17 students, our class meets online three times per week for live instruction, language coaching and mentoring sessions. One cohort meets in the mornings, and the other two run simultaneously in the evenings. Staff, faculty, and mentors turn Zoom breakout rooms into interactive learning spaces, and our online learning management system provides students with easy access to materials, recordings, and support.
Due to this new and exciting format, our class will run through the end of May, giving students plenty of time to learn and absorb everything they need to launch their careers as medical interpreters this summer. Stay tuned to our blog and social media for more updates on their experience!
Who are the members of the Class of 2021?

- 37 students are new to Found in Translation (selected from applicants in 2020), and 11 are alumnae who are returning to retake the training and earn their certificates.
- Alumnae taking part in this class represent 5 previous classes – as recent as 2019 and as early as 2014.
- Collectively, our newest students represent 23 different countries of origin and 13 different language groups, including Swahili, Khmer, Somali, Russian and Cantonese.
- 10 students were repeat applicants.
- Students range in age from 19 to over 60, and the average age of this class is 39.
- Students are collectively mothers/guardians to 61 children.
- All are insightful, passionate, motivated and community-oriented!
SAVE THE DATE for Found in Translation’s 10 Year Anniversary Event!
When: September 23rd, 2021, 7pm ET
Where: Online!

Join us as we map out the next decade and reflect on our first.
More information about this virtual celebration to come later this spring. Interested in sponsoring our event? Contact Abigail at [email protected]
Alumnae Spotlight – Meet some of our Alumnae Faculty!
During orientation, our three Class of 2021 cohorts had the chance to get to know each other and our staff. In addition, they received their first introductions to the faculty team that will be supporting their success this year. Included in that team are two alumnae serving as Assistant Lead Instructors (as well as Language Coaches), who introduced themselves via pre recorded videos.
Check out Sara and Juliana’s videos here.

88% of our Class of 2021 instructors are graduates of Found in Translation!
Volunteer Spotlight – Mentors for the Class of 2021
Mentors are critical members of our volunteer team, and during the certificate training they facilitate small groups of students and provide 1:1 support covering resume development, cover letter editing, interview practice, and more career advice. Mentor sessions for the Class of 2021 began last month, and we are proud to share that this year we have 19 individuals in this role – the most we have ever had for one class. Given the remote nature of the class, in addition to local volunteers this year we have also welcomed volunteers from further afield. We plan to share their stories here and on our social media as we progress through the class.
Introducing Vinita Sudhakar!
Why is volunteering for Found in Translation important to you?

I connected with Found in Translation’s goal of improving health equity through preparing immigrant women for sustainable healthcare careers. As an immigrant, woman, and person of color myself, this demographic has a special place in my heart. And as a recent medical school graduate, working with medical interpreters will help me understand what the interpreting community may need in order to optimize our patient interactions.
New year = New Additions to the Team!
We are pleased to share that since January we added two more members to the Found in Translation Team – Francisca Guevara (Supportive Services Manager) and Renée Metelus (Operations Assistant). Francisca and Renée have taken their new roles in stride, coming on just as we began our Class of 2021.
Click here to read their bios on our website.
Renée Metelus Francisca Guevara