Found in Translation featured in the Center for High Impact Philanthropy 2022 Giving Guide
How can donors help during the next phase of the COVID pandemic?
Around the world, communities are grappling with COVID-19’s harm. The pandemic continues to expose and increase inequities in health, economic welfare, and education. Sponsored by Fidelity Charitable, the Center for High Impact Philanthropy’s 2022 High Impact Giving Guide gives guidance to fund a more equitable future in five key areas: early school success, youth & young adults, mental health & well-being, basic needs, and sustainable livelihoods.

In the 2022 guide, you’ll find:
- Issues critical for funders to address to ensure a just recovery
- Six nonprofits (including Found in Translation) that serve as examples of how philanthropic funds can meet needs now to advance a more equitable recovery
- Best practices for giving during COVID-19 and other crises/disasters
- A sneak peek at Choosing Change, the CHIP’s toolkit for addressing structural inequality
Visit CHIP’s site to download a preview of their free giving guide and register to attend the free launch event on Thursday, January 20, at 12 EST.
About the Center for High Impact Philanthropy
The Center for High Impact Philanthropy (CHIP) is the only university-based center with a singular focus on philanthropy for social impact. Founded as a collaboration between Penn’s School of Social Policy & Practice and alumni of the Wharton School, it is a trusted source of knowledge and education to help donors around the world do more good. To learn more about how CHIP analyzes opportunities for high social impact, visit or follow @impactSP2.