Found in Translation featured in GHR Foundation report on Principles-Based Philanthropy
Over ten years of organizational growth and learning, Found in Translation is proof that for women, economic mobility happens in community. Creating and nurturing this community is core to what makes our work successful. The community-driven responsiveness of our model has earned Found in Translation grant funding and accolades over the years. Most notably, the GHR Foundation (in collaboration with OpenIDEO) named us one of their BridgeBuilder Top Ideas in 2018, through which we earned significant funding, and subsequently used our model as a case study for their research on principles-driven philanthropy.
By choosing Found in Translation as one of 5 winners in 2018 (out of 675 submissions from around the world, we were the only organization from the United States that year), the BridgeBuilder researchers determined that our model was an outstanding example of mission-driven work that reflected their identified core principles of:
- Meeting people where they are
- Building relationships based on authenticity and trust
- Listening deeply
- Being responsive
- Addressing urgent needs
- Creating more equitable and just systems
We are excited to share that the final reports on their 3-year initiative were published in November 2021, and are available to the public – see the links below.

The Evaluation and Advocacy Report provides an overview of GHR’s principles-based findings based upon the work of the BridgeBuilder organizations. It also highlights some of their key learnings as a foundation engaged in global development about the impact of principles-based “bridge building” work versus typical development and philanthropic approaches.
The Principles Case Study details the journey through the development and use of GHR’s BridgeBuilder principles and serves as a road map for others who may wish to initiate their own principles-based approaches.
The “Reframing Philanthropy” Executive Summary is a short overview of the entire project and its key conclusions.
Together, these documents show how the BridgeBuilder process focused on understanding and unpacking the “how” of their grantees’ work, tying our diverse models to their established core values and showcasing the ways in which principles-driven bridge-building has advantages over other methodologies. Images and examples of Found in Translation’s work can be found throughout these materials.
“BridgeBuilder was a three-year initiative testing ways to bridge people and ideas across peace, prosperity and planet. Inspired by Pope Francis, we aimed to elevate the voices and work of local bridgebuilders, the power of partner driven work and the spirit of principles-based action to drive positive change. We learned a tremendous amount from this process which has made us better grantmakers, partners and community members, and we find ourselves regularly reinforcing the importance and practice of bridging in our broader Global portfolio. We invite discussion around this body of work — please contact [email protected].”
GHR Foundation website (March 2022)
Thank you to the GHR Foundation for lifting up Found in Translation’s mission and model with this research, and for seeking out feedback from our staff as the report was being compiled. We are forever honored to part of a global community of bridge building organizations doing important, values-driven work across the world.
BridgeBuilder Challenge Top Ideas (2017 – 2019)
BioCarbon Engineering (now Dendra Systems)
Five One Labs
Found in Translation
LIFT Chicago
Local Youth Corner
My Choices Foundation
Peace Direct
Producers Direct
SAMA for All
Talent Beyond Boundaries
This is My Backyard
Top Manta
War Child Canada