Building Bridges – A Community Gathering for the Spring and Fall Classes of 2023
On Saturday, August 26th, Found in Translation hosted a first-of-its-kind, in-person gathering with a dual purpose – to celebrate the accomplishments of the recently graduated Spring Class of 2023 while warmly welcoming the new students of the Fall Class of 2023 who are set to begin their studies in September.

Over 25 program participants across multiple class years attended the event, held in a community space at the Presentation School in Brighton. Many brought family members and friends to join the festivities. A series of heartfelt speeches by members of the Spring Class of 2023 underscored the significance of the Found in Translation community, and of the achievements of their class of new medical interpreters.
“Welcome Class of Fall 2023! I wish you good luck in this journey. It was definitely a new experience for me and I really embraced it with my whole heart to become a part of Found in Translation. It was so nice to meet new people and the awesome and supportive staff. I am thankful for meeting everyone and I hope that you experience the same.”
– Masoumeh, Spring ‘23

“Don’t be afraid to ask questions – that’s what I would say. [The staff] is here for us, and everyone here, all our classmates – we are a family. We became a family to one another. Now we are all sisters and we will be like that forever.”
– Louise, Spring ‘23

“I’m not gonna say it’s gonna be easy because anything that’s easy is not good. But you are going to work hard and at the end it’s so worth it. You are going to feel so good, so accomplished. Good luck to everyone!”
– Isabel, Spring ‘23
For those members of the Fall Class of 2023 who were able to attend, the event was their first introduction to the Found in Translation community, effectively easing any nervousness and fostering an immediate sense of belonging. With welcoming arms, alumnae introduced themselves, shared anecdotes and offered advice to their newest peers, inspiring them with a glimpse of their future in just a few months. A “get to know you” bingo activity helped break the ice, encouraging attendees to find common interests and experiences with their new peers. This event also facilitated the distribution of class materials to our new students, including free laptops provided to those who need them through our Supportive Services.

The event wasn’t just a celebration; it was a bridge that connected the past, present, and future of Found in Translation. While our programming remains mostly online, it is refreshing and exciting to be able to host more of these in person gatherings where conversation and connection can flourish more easily. With renewed enthusiasm, graduates and incoming students alike left the event inspired to continue their journeys, armed with the knowledge that they are part of a larger movement making a tangible difference in healthcare and beyond.