Please scroll down this page to view the virtual rooms.

1. Review Job Fair Tips and Resources for information about accessing different virtual platforms. Review List of Participating Agencies to decide which agencies you would like to speak to.
2. Choose a virtual room you would like to visit and click the red button to enter.
3. To visit a different agency, leave the virtual meeting room. Return to this page and click on a different link. You may be prompted to fully close out of the previous window before joining a new link.
4. Visit the Help Desk virtual room if you have any event-related questions.
VIDEO: How to Navigate the Virtual Event

Virtual Rooms

American Translation Partners (ATP)
Website: atptranslations.com
Locations Served: New England
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Open to the following candidates: New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

AMN Healthcare Language Services
Website: amnhealthcare.com/careers/language-interpreters/
Locations Served: Nationwide
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents, residents from outside the United States
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Ascentria Care Alliance - Language Bank
Employer and Training Provider
Website: thelanguagebank.org/lb-careers-and-training
Locations Served: New Hampshire, Massachusetts
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Training Available: Medical Interpreting, Legal Interpreting
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts Residents, New England Residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Be Moore Interpreting LLC
Website: bemooreinterpreting.com
Locations Served: Massachusetts and Rhode Island
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents, residents from outside of the United States
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Benoit Language Services, Inc.
Website: benoitinc.com
Locations Served: United States
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Open to the following candidates: United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Boston Medical Center
Website: bmc.org
Locations Served: Massachusetts
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Brockton Neighborhood Health Center
Website: bnhc.org
Locations Served: Brockton, MA
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (phone only), remote interpretation - video and phone
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom *Registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

CCCS, Inc. Embracing Culture
Employer and Training Provider
Website: embracingculture.com
Locations Served: New England (Greater Boston)
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video and phone)
Training Available: Medical Interpreting, Community Interpreting, Other Interpreting
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Center for Health Impact
Website: centerforhealthimpact.org
Locations Served: Worcester and region, Fall River, Boston, Massachusetts
Jobs Available: In person interpretation
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Certified Languages International
Website: certifiedlanguages.com
Location: Global
Jobs Available: Remote interpretation (video and phone)
Open to the following candidates: United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Community Interpreter Services at Catholic Charites of Boston
Website: communityinterpreterservices.org
Locations Served: Massachusetts
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Dana Farber Health Care
Website: careers.dana-farber.org/jobs
Location: Brookline, MA Chestnut Hill, MA, Merrimack Valley
Jobs Available: In person interpretation
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Found in Translation
Training Provider
Website: found-in-translation.org
Locations Served: Greater Boston
Training Available: Medical Interpreting
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts Residents (see website for full eligibility requirements)
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Horton Interpreting Services, Inc.
Website: language-link.com
Locations Served: Rhode Island, Massachusetts
Jobs Available: In person interpretation
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

International Translation Company, LLC
Employer and Training Provider
Website: itctranslation.net
Locations Served: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Training Available: Medical Interpreting, Community Interpreting, Legal Interpreting, Conference Interpreting, Other Interpreting
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Website: www.interprenet.net
Locations Served: United States
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video and phone)
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents, residents from outside the United States
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Language Connections
Employer and Training Provider
Website: interpretertrain.com
Locations Served: Massachusetts
Jobs Available: Remote interpretation (video, phone)
Training Available: Medical Interpreting, Community Interpreting, Legal Interpreting, Other Interpreting
Open to the following candidates: United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

LanguageLine Solutions
Website: languageline.com/careers
Locations Served: Global
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote (phone only), remote (video only), remote (video, phone)
Open to the following candidates: United States residents
Virtual Platform: Microsoft Teams

MaineHealth Interpreter & Cross Cultural Services
Website: careersatmainehealth.org/jobs/search/?q=interpreter&location=
Locations Served: Southern Maine
Jobs Available: In person interpretation
Open to the following candidates: New England residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

MAPA Translations
Website: mapatranslation.com
Location: Massachusetts
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video and phone)
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom
Passcode: 193980

Martti, an UpHealth Solution (UpHealth Inc.)
Website: uphealthinc.com
Locations Served: Global
Jobs Available: Remote interpretation - phone only, remote interpretation - video and phone
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Rosetta Languages
Employer and Training Provider
Website: rosettalanguages.org
Locations Served: Malden, Everett, Somerville, Boston, Revere (Massachusetts)
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Training Available: Community Interpreting, Conference Interpreting
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Spring Institute for Intercultural Learning
Employer and Training Provider
Website: interpreternetwork.springinstitute.org
Locations Served: Colorado, New Mexico
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Training Available: Medical Interpreting
Open to the following candidates: United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Transcend Linguistix
Employer and Training Provider
Website: transcend-linguistix.com
Locations Served: New England, Florida
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Training Available: Community Interpreting, Legal Interpreting, Conference Interpreting
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents, residents from outside of the United States
Virtual Platform: Zoom

Universal Language Service, Inc.
Employer and Training Provider
Website: universallanguageservice.com
Locations Served: Oregon, Washington state
Jobs Available: In person interpretation, remote interpretation (video, phone)
Training Available: Medical Interpreting
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents, United States residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom

The Volunteer Lawyers Project
Website: vlpnet.org
Location: Massachusetts
Jobs Available: In-person interpretation, remote interpretation (phone only), remote interpretation (video only), remote interpretation (phone, video)
Open to the following candidates: Massachusetts residents, New England residents
Virtual Platform: Zoom